Tuesday, April 15, 2014

for my moon, again

your words, somehow so warm, and your mouth, somehow so sweet,

my knuckles, white on the wheel --

i'm sure you don't know i cried on that 26 second drive home, just like i've never told you about the words i say after pressing end. but i have told you about my old bird, and the ink on my one nail, and my favorite scent of candle, and i think those things are more important even if you don't remember them.

my scratching fingertips still carve your name in my sleep and i hope you know the reason i can't speak back is because you sometimes tangle my heartstrings in my throat.

and even though you are as far-off as always.

even though your love is as stone-cold smokey as ever.

you are still my moon.

i think you may always be.